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Joint effect of glutathione S-transferase genotypes and cigarette smoking on idiopathic male infertility and cigarette smoking to the risk of idiopathic infertility in Russian men

THE EFFECT OF SMOKING ON THE MALE FACTOR OF INFERTILITYCigarette smoking is widespread among the male population. Objective: to identify the degree

Social Representations of Smokers among Smoking YouthThe article presents the results of the empirical research of social representations of smoking

Social factors of spreading of tobacco smoking among college studentsThe objective of an empirical study of the social factors of spreading of smoking among college

Информационно-аналитическое изучение табака для сигарет и кальянов, а также анализ сорбентов табачного дыма (Обзорная статья)The article presents an information and analytical study of the impact of tobacco smoking on human

Verification of Smoke Detection in Video Sequences Based on Spatio-temporal Local Binary PatternsThe early smoke detection in outdoor scenes using video sequences is one of the crucial tasks

Traditional smoking e-smoking among medical students and students-athletes-popularity and motivationSmoking, medical students, students-athletes

Smoking, Education and the Ability to Predict Own Survival Probabilities: An Observational Study on US Data.Smoking, Education and the Ability to Predict Own Survival Probabilities: An Observational Study

Tobacco smoking as a risk factor of active tuberculosis in HIV-infected patientsTobacco smoking as a risk factor of active tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients

Tobacco smoking as a risk factor of active tuberculosis in HIV-infected patientsTobacco smoking as a risk factor of active tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients

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