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По вашему запросу найдено документов: 73

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Could the Geminid meteoroid stream be the result of long-term thermal fracture?

Development of vet quality in Russia in the context of the European model of education quality CQAF

High-resolution study of the v10 + v12 - v10 "hot" band of the 13C2H4

Structural and mechanical properties of highly paraffinic crude oil processed in high-frequency acoustic field

Historical retrospective review of idea of university: complementarily of reason and spirituality

The ethical limits of contemporary university transformations?

The motives for corporate identification of the contemporary Russian university

Corporate culture of contemporary research university in search of complementarity of humanitarian and commercial principles in education (Russian context)

Humanitarian meaning of university professional education

Books on the history of Siberia development from the library of count G. A. Stroganov

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