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По вашему запросу найдено документов: 135724

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Dark-colored forest bee Apis mellifera in Siberia, Russia: current state and conservation of populations

The use of computational methods for design of polyamine-targeted synthetic compounds with antitumor activity

Polyamine catabolism activating agents show antiproliferative activity

The change of polyamine metabolism in lymphocytes of glioma patients after mitogen stimulation

Components of seminal plasma as factors regulating apoptosis of male gametes

Prediction of the kinetics of photosensitizer accumulation in cells by the fluorescence contrast of healthy and pathological tissues

32nd Congress of the ESP and XXXIII International Congress of the IAP (vol 477, pg S1, 2020)32nd Congress of the ESP and XXXIII International Congress of the IAP (vol 477, pg S1, 2020)

Investigation of the immunogenic properties of antitumor enzyme L-lysine-alpha-oxidase

The effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone on sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanine photodynamic activity

Proliferative changes of atrophy simulated rat skin after using a vitamine containing ointment

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