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A Hierarchy of Classes of Families and n-Low DegreesA Hierarchy of Classes of Families and n-Low Degrees

The Diversity of Categoricity Without Delay

Almost computably enumerable families of sets. Moreover, it is established that for any computably enumerable (c.e.) set A there exists afamily that is X

Some notes on degree spectra of the structures

Punctual Categoricity Spectra of Computably Categorical Structures

A Hierarchy of Classes of Families and n-Low DegreesA Hierarchy of Classes of Families and n-Low Degrees

Splitting properties of n-C.E. enumeration degrees〉 are not elementary equivalent where P is the predicate P(a) = "a is a π1 0 e-degree".

Almost computably enumerable families of sets. Moreover, it is established that for any computably enumerable (c.e.) set A there exists afamily that is X

Uniform reducibility of representability problems for algebraic structuresGiven a countable algebraic structure B with no degree we find sufficient conditions

Limitwise monotonic sequences and degree spectra of structures that there is a sequence of sets which has no uniform computable monotonic approximation but has an x

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