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По вашему запросу найдено документов: 608

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Медиаобразование в обучении иностранным языкам – дань моде или требование времени?The article deals with one of the most burning issues of modern liberal education – media

Категория памяти: принципы лингвистического описанияThe study offers the concept of linguistic description of category of memory. It takes into account

Медиапространство: репутационные регуляторы of mass communication activities in media space. Media space is regarded as a special part of the social

The problems of linguistic modeling of new eurasian linguistic personality in multilinguistic and mental environment (by example of onomasphere)-Soviet countries, which resulted in the transformation of the structure of new modern Eurasian linguistic

Русско-немецкая лингвоментальность в прагматико- когнитивном аспекте фреймов «радость-печаль» are developed. The present article focuses on linguistic and culturological study of lexical-semantic space joy

The problems of linguistic modeling of new eurasian linguistic personality in multilinguistic and mental environment (by example of onomasphere)-Soviet countries, which resulted in the transformation of the structure of new modern Eurasian linguistic

Linguistic Problems Based on Text CorporaLinguistic Problems Based on Text Corpora

Linguistic jokes translation strategies and methodsLinguistic jokes translation strategies and methods

Media Economy.Media Economy.

Блогосфера как интегративная мультикультурная биосоциальная среда: проявления ориентирующей функции языкаcognitive linguistics

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