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Boundary element method for nonadhesive and adhesive contacts of a coated elastic half-space

Adhesive wear and particle emission: Numerical approach based on asperity-free formulation of Rabinowicz criterion

Adhesion and friction in hard and soft contacts: theory and experiment

Relaxation damping in oscillating contacts

Comparative analysis of arabic roman in Jordan and Egypt literature and development of Arabic Roman in Jordan and Egypt literature. Careful attention is paid to such question

Римский империализм в постимпериалистической перспективе: (о некоторых особенностях "постколониальной историографии")The article is devoted problem of Roman imperialism in interpretation of actual British

После романизации?The article is devoted to problems of Romanization concept in actual foreign historiography

Reception of the roman law in modern business activityThe issue of reception of Roman right in modern business relations is considered in this article

“The roman spirit” of the code of napoleon, as well as development of the Roman private law and its impact on legal systems of Western Europe

The cultural space of imperial provinces as a factor in preserving roman identity in late antiquity = Культурное пространство имперских провинций как фактор консервации римской идентичности в позднеантичную эпоху in the preservation of Roman identity in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. The author concludes that the provincial

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