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Nitrogen fertilization modifies organic transformations and coatings on soil biogeochemical interfaces through microbial polysaccharides synthesis

Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands

Nitrogen fertilization modifies organic transformations and coatings on soil biogeochemical interfaces through microbial polysaccharides synthesis

Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands

Carbon and nitrogen recycling from microbial necromass to cope with C:N stoichiometric imbalance by priming

Carbon and nitrogen recycling from microbial necromass to cope with C:N stoichiometric imbalance by priming

Initial utilization of rhizodeposits with rice growth in paddy soils: Rhizosphere and N fertilization effects

Carbon and Nitrogen Losses from Soil Depend on Degradation of Tibetan Kobresia Pastures

The above-belowground coupling of the C cycle: fast and slow mechanisms of C transfer for root and rhizomicrobial respiration

Оценка потери углерода криогенными почвами в инкубационных экспериментах при разных температурах и добавлении меченой (13С) глюкозы

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