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Polymeric complexes of isonicotinic acid hydrazide with antituberculosis effects immobilized on a carrier that consisted of water-soluble cation-active analogue of chitosan (N

Solid dosage forms of nootropic action based on pantogam and succinic acid in medicine nootropic agents has been carried out at a high rate. The research related to the search for new

Preclinical study of the efficacy and safety of wound healing gel containing chitosan, taurine and allantoin

Influence of Microencapsulation Technology on The Morphological and Biopharmaceutical Characteristics of Phenibut Microcapsules

Trypsin immobilization on the Chitosan matrix of various molecular weights

Договор страхования в российском гражданском праве

Понятие и содержание корпоративного права

Investigations of chair of the general pharmaceutical and biomedical technology in the field of bioengineering of vegetative producers of biologically active substancesArticle is devoted to the complex researches of various morphological groups of raw materials, a

Ответственность лица, уполномоченного выступать от имени общества, и лиц, определяющих деятельность общества, за убытки, причиненные обществу

Preclinical study of the efficacy and safety of wound healing gel containing chitosan, taurine and allantoin

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