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English peasants and agrarian policy of the Tudors and the first Stuarts: outlines of enclosure legislation = Английские крестьяне и аграрная политика Тюдоров и первых Стюартов: основы законодательства об огораживаниях to the existent process of ploughland enclosure in the kingdom of England in the second half of the 16th - first

Исследование термогравитационной конвекции в замкнутой полости с пористой вставкой методами вычислительной теплофизикиNumerical analysis of thermogravitational convection in an enclosure with a porous insertion filled

Examining of nanofluid natural convection heat transfer in a Г-shaped enclosure including a rectangular hot obstacle using the lattice Boltzmann method Γshaped enclosure that consists of a local heater by the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). In this study

Combined natural convection heat and mass transfer in an enclosure having finite thickness wallsCombined natural convection heat and mass transfer in an enclosure having finite thickness walls

Numerical simulation of Schlichting streaming induced by standing wave in rectangular enclosureNumerical simulation of Schlichting streaming induced by standing wave in rectangular enclosure

Numerical analysis of 3D regimes of natural convection and surface radiation in a differentially heated enclosureNumerical analysis of 3D regimes of convection-radiation heat transfer in cubic enclosure with two

Modeling of aerodynamics and heat-and-mass transfer on ventilation of industrial enclosuresModeling of the aerodynamic processes involved in the ventilation of a large production enclosure

Brownian motion of magnetonanofluid flow in an undulated partially heated enclosure partially heated wavy enclosure. The enclosure is embraced by the inclined magnetic field. In addition

Нестационарные режимы смешанной конвекции в замкнутой дифференциально обогреваемой вращающейся полостиMixed convection in a differ entially heated rotating enclosure

Численное моделирование процесса плавления галлия в замкнутой прямоугольной полостиNumerical simulation of melting of a pure gallium in a rectangular enclosure

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