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Видовое разнообразие эвгленовых жгутиконосцев в водоемах северной лесостепи Тюменской областиThe article contains data of species structure and biological diversity of the euglenoid

Эвгленовые жгутиконосцы рода Phacus из водоемов Южной лесостепи Омской областиThe article contains the research results of the specific structure of the Euglenoid flagellates

Эвгленовые жгутиконосцы водоемов юга Тюменской области of the regional distribution of the euglenoid flagellates in the water basins of the south of Tyumen region

Фауна и биология гетеротрофных жгутиконосцев пресноводного перифитона flagellates (IPF) as indicator of the trophic status of a waterbody was developed.

MORPHOLOGY OF JUVENILE STAGES OF GUSTAVIA MICROCEPHALA (ACARI, ORIBATIDA, GUSTAVIIDAE)-shaped, with noticeable swelling and flagellate tip. Nymphs are characterized by having very small interlamellar setae

Evaluation of Possible Causes of Non-Predatory Mortality of Crustacean Zooplankton in a Small Siberian Reservoir

The composition and seasonal dynamics of planktonic green algae in the mouth of the kazanka river (Republic of tatarstan)/liter. Flagellate monadic algae dominate in phytoplankton, belonging to the order Chlamydomonadales Phacotus

Selection of a microbial community in the course of formation of acid mine drainage of the Dependentiae, flagellates of the genus Spumella, were found among eukaryotes in Bu-16.

Waterbugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha and Gerromorpha) as sources of essential n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in Central Siberian ecoregions

Waterbugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha) as sources of essential n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in Central Siberian ecoregions

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