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Structure and development of the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise personnel, components and forms of appearance in the enterprise activities. The personnel intellectual potential

Structure and development of the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise personnel, components and forms of appearance in the enterprise activities. The personnel intellectual potential

Use of the intellectual analysis in the account of production costs-analysis in the activities of the enterprise.

Personnel development as a factor in increasing the capitalization of goodwill of an enterprise product of intellectual activity or an actual appraisal product of the functioning of the human capital

Intellectual property as a factor of increasing innovation activity of economic entities that the intellectual property has a direct impact on the activation of innovation processes due to the fact

К вопросу о совершенствовании учета и анализа нематериальных активов предприятия as an important element of the innovation enterprise, and in connection with continued integration into the world

Management models of knowledge in science-intensive enterprises management, in this regard, is a relatively new and rapidly developing field of practical activity

Innovations in the management system of industrial enterprise to improve the efficiency of its activities capital. Innovation activity is the basis for the development of industrial enterprises, and also makes

Совершенствование корпоративного информационного управления предприятием с использованием облачных технологийDevelopment of enterprise corporate information management with using cloud computing technology

Studying the impact of intellectual capital at industrial enterprises on their market capitalization of intellectual capital structure components on the significance of capitalization of industrial sector

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