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Gender Aspects of Political Communication in Blogs and communication strategies in political blogosphere. The author comes to the conclusion that political

Communicative category of politeness in German and Russian linguistic culture and cultural peculiarity of politeness, defined as communicative category, is revealed on the basis

SPEECH COMMUNICATION IN THE POLITICAL SPHERE of typical properties of political communication allocated by A.P. Chudinov. Certain specificity of modern

ETHICS OF VISUAL TECHNOLOGIES IN POLITICAL COMMUNICATIONThe modern abundance of political communications allows us to consider the political context

ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ДИСКУРС КАК ЧАСТЬ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИThis article reveals political discourse as part of political communication, namely defining

Communicative category of politeness in German and Russian linguistic culture and cultural peculiarity of politeness, defined as communicative category, is revealed on the basis

Internet Communications and Political Mobilization of the role of Internet communications in the political mobilization of citizens. Internet communications

Political Communications: New Opportunities and TechnologiesThe article is devoted to the research of the issues of the political communications. The main

Power as a Form of Social Communication of the communication theory.

Political Communications of the UK Government as an Institutional SystemThis study examines the problem of characterizing the political communications system in Britain

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