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Implicit Negation in Dialogue Discourse, the context and the background knowledge. The paper considers some common ways of expressing implicit

Implicit ways to express the author’s opinion in the publicistic discourse of Runet blogosphere authors. The article shows that implicit ways of expressing the author’s evaluation in the Runet texts

Ways of translating Utterances containing Implicit Meanings (Based on Tatar -Russian Fiction Translations) to the target language. By implicit meaning we understand the meaning of an utterance that is not expressed in a

Особенности реализации речевого акта отказа в конфликтном текстеIMPLICIT FORMS OF EXPRESSION

Implicatures in Fiction Texts of an utterance is the process of extracting implied meaning which is formed by interaction of linguistic units

Имплицитные способы выражения авторской позиции в публицистическом дискурсе блогосферы Рунета authors. The article shows that implicit ways of expressing the author’s evaluation in the Runet texts

Ways of transferring implicit information in English-Russian fiction translations and deals with the problem of transferring implicit meanings from the original language to the target

LANGUAGE MEANS OF IMPLICIT CONTENT EXPRESSION IN ENGLISH INTERNET DISCOURSE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF PUBLICATIONS IN SOCIAL NETWORK INSTAGRAM) is transmitted using an implicit plan of expression. Speech interaction in social networks, which are ubiquitous

Ways of transferring implicit information in English-Russian fiction translations and deals with the problem of transferring implicit meanings from the original language to the target

COMPARISON OF RUSSIAN AND CHINESE VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (BY THE EXAMPLE OF CONSENT / REFUSAL AND GRATITUDE)The relevance of the study of verbal etiquette forms of expressing consent / refusal, as well

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